Tired and wired and exhausted and done? (hands up) This week, Cathy explores the word somatic with fresh curiosity, diving into how tuning into the body can offer a sense of calm and clarity — just when it’s needed most.
All in Stress Management
Tired and wired and exhausted and done? (hands up) This week, Cathy explores the word somatic with fresh curiosity, diving into how tuning into the body can offer a sense of calm and clarity — just when it’s needed most.
Closing out 2022, Beck and Cathy share their counter-intuitive ways to think about change heading into the new year. Thanks for being here, and Happy Holidays!
In another year of immense and intense change, burnout is no joke, and this week, Cathy offers ways to turn down the volume and tune in to a better way. Check it out.
It's harvest time! and this week, Beck checks in with our community to see how they are managing to stay limber through the season
Dancing? It’s a topic that sounds like it’s coming out of left field. But this week Cathy shares ten reasons why dancing has skyrocketed up her list of favorite activities these past few months.
This week, Cathy explores a technique for calm that has been described as “an apparently pointless process” and “pivotal to creative recovery,” - check it out!
Loss, and grief aren’t typically topics of casual, everyday conversation, yet those topics have arisen frequently enough these past few weeks that it’s worth some attention and exploration.
Lately it seems a lack of sleep seems to be an issue for many in our community, with the ongoing anxiety and stress from longer work hours, demands on home life and the constant shifting needs. Here are six more unusual tools that I have found to help myself get to, and stay, asleep.
These last few weeks beck has been thinking a great deal about the the idea of seeking, creating and finding room in our daily lives to hold sacred space for ourselves and each other. To step back in these triggered times and allow ourselves and others to navigate the fragile emotional state we find ourselves in. Safely.
This week we will share Part 1 of the results received from our recent ABG Community check-in. All responses were completely anonymous which, judging by your additional comments, helped in the honesty department. check it out!
“No mud. No lotus.” It’s a quote that’s usually attributed to Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh, but any one of us can recognize the formulation: first the challenge, then the reward. It’s safe to say, I think, that we’re all fairly mud-slicked right now.
The relentless impact that COVID is having on our daily lives is palpable, so we really do want to know how you are faring. In the absence of 1,000 separate telephone calls, we are hoping to find out a little more about how people are faring. To that end, we have created a simple survey to receive your input.
Under times of duress, we forget who to trust the most. Right now, when it seems like “out there” has never been such a mess, we forget about the resource that’s “in here.” Let me put it this way. Who to trust, is YOU.
In a world where every 24 hours is a whole new reality, and as we struggle to keep things together, I want to share some small reminders to help you keep that light of hope in your heart to keep going. Consider this the ‘pep talk’ you didn’t ask for.
Last week, to open the online workshop we led for Dream Big Darling’s Ready.Set.GROW! series, Rachel Collier spoke about the benefits and the medical research behind creative writing.
Learning to stop has never been my strong point. this week, i find a few simple ways to make the impossible seem possible.
“How would the wisest part of you respond?”. This is the question that Cathy Huyghe considers in this week’s post, sharing insights about how the times that pausing to ask that question quietly has proved especially helpful.
What part of “Shelter in Place” do you hope continues when the current global situation is over? Cathy contemplates self-care in this week’s post
Many insights have come from the first two weeks of the ABG on the Cushion and this week Cathy shares her top 4 lessons.
The final weeks of Holiday can put emotions on high alert, so this week Cathy shares her three tips for the “biggies” of emotions to help through the rough patches.