A Love Letter to Mystery and Mindfulness

“I don’t want to know everything about wine. Can we stop trying to understand it all? Let’s leave the mystery in…”

A good friend of mine, an importer in the wine industry, said that to me a few years ago and I’ve never forgotten it. <<click image to read more>>

Don't Think You Have Time to Meditate? Try This Instead.

Don’t think you can find time in the day to meditate?

Think instead about the times during the day when you move.

As in, walking – from your car to the office, say, or walking the dog, or even walking from one meeting to another. Notice the different paces of walking – sometimes briskly, others leisurely. <<click image to read more>>

The Light in You

In the presentation that launched this 30-day practice, for my part on meditation, I spoke about two things that seemed like fairly radical ideas.

The first was to underscore that quieting your mind is a challenge, and that’s normal. It’s normal that a new thought crosses your mind every 1.5 seconds on average, and it’s normal that every new thought is a psychological release. <<click on the image to read more>>

How to Find Your Center

“Stand with all four corners of your feet on the floor. Rock a little forward. Then rock a little backward. Then forward again, and backward again, a few times. Find your center.”

Sound familiar? <<click image to read more>>