The Secret Sauce of Work-Life Balance

The Secret Sauce of Work-Life Balance

There's something missing from most discussions of "balance" that I've seen.

It's what matters most.

Think about what matters most to you -- your priorities, your beliefs, the things you long for, the things you're utterly devoted to.

Now think about integrating those things into your daily life, so that it's the common ground between your work life and your home life.

It sounds a little tricky, I know. Let me explain, because the common ground of what matters most, I think, is the secret sauce of balance.

Achieving work-life balance happens there's shared purpose between what we do at work and what we do at home.

When there's a shared purpose and common ground, and when we're activating the things that matter most to us, there's more energy. There's more juice. There's a seamless intention, which means there's less friction and fewer "breaks" in our creative flow.

So how do we do this, actually?

Step one is to articulate the things that matter most to you. Say them. Like, out loud. Hear them. Write them down and see them, too. Be clear on what they are.

For me, what matters most -- the common ground between my work life and my home life -- are gratitude, using the gifts I've been given, and curiosity. Whenever I keep those three things in mind, whether I'm giving a big presentation or baking cookies with my kids, I'm in familiar territory. I'm steady on my feet. I'm balanced.

Does that make sense?

What matters most to you? Can those things be shared ground between your work life and your home life? Can you find balance in the familiar territory?

Drop me a line. I'd love to hear about it.



Meet the Tribe!

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Elizabeth Colton

Senior Manager PR & Events, Campari America

Years in the Industry: 


My Biggest Challenge To Wellness:

Staying grounded, rested and properly nourished while on the road.

How I keep it Together To Stay Well:

Surround yourself with good people. I am fortunate to have an incredible circle of friends, family and an amazing partner who help keep me balanced and laughing, especially in stressful times. I also happen to be an introvert, so carving out solo time is critical for recharging my batteries, especially after traveling for work and upon conclusion of big projects.

Self-care is essential, especially in our industry. When I'm home, my "glam squad" consists of teachers and practitioners of acupuncture, body work, meditation, Pilates and Qi Gong. I've got plenty of herbs and supplements going on as well to balance out my diet. When I'm on the road, I pack a ton of food and snacks so I've always got something easy and nourishing on hand. 



This Week's Reading

There's no shortage of wine stories and media inundating our IN Boxes. Here's what has piqued our interest this week...

Chef, Cyclist and Dad Travis Flood on Finding Well-Being

This is Your Brain on Nature: Julia Plevin, Founder of the Forest Bathing Club



Let's Meet Up

As work life has it, we are traveling over the next few months and would love to see you. 

  • London Wine Fair, May 20 and 21 (Cathy)

  • Atlanta Food and Wine Festival, May 31 to June 3 (Cathy)

  • Aspen Food & Wine, June 15 to June 17 (Rebecca) 

  • Fine Minds 4 Fine Wines, in Champagne, France, July 5 to 7 (Cathy) 

  • Wines of Australia event in Lake Tahoe, July 22 to 26 (Cathy)

Drop a line to or if you are interested in getting together for practice, a chat or a great glass together.

Reduce Stress in 60 Seconds: Dial “N” for Nature

Reduce Stress in 60 Seconds: Dial “N” for Nature

Who and Where is Your Tribe?

Who and Where is Your Tribe?