Why We Retreat - Stepping Back to Move Forward

In business, the concept of ‘retreat’ can carry a negative connotation – a failed deal, not fulfilling obligations, stepping back from the opportunity, and ultimately not winning. But in a mindful practice, where we observe both the human self and the spiritual self, to retreat gives us the opportunity to step back, check in with our emotional state, and rebalance to find the clarity to move forward.

Finding Freedom: ABG's First-Ever Book Club Pick

Working in the alcohol industry, it’s likely that we’ve all experienced a mix of responses to our relationship to alcohol. It’s complicated and challenging, and it’s compounded by alcohol’s funding of our paychecks and livelihoods. Beck and I think that’s worth talking more about, and leaning into the challenges rather than shying away from them. That’s why, this week, we’re excited to share with the community our very first ABG Book Club pick: Finding Freedom,