Change Your Breath. Change Your Life.

Change Your Breath. Change Your Life.

"If you can change your breath, you can change your life."

That's one of the most essential learnings I've taken to heart from my teacher, at home in Atlanta, and it was on my mind as I prepared my notes for our WOTVS session. Breathwork was the focus of Beck's side of the presentation, and it's the foundation of... well, everything.

Here's something in your professional life that changing your breath can change: your ability to express yourself confidently. It's something that came up during the Q&A part of our session, when I mentioned this article I wrote about being nervous before giving a presentation.

It happened to me -- I sounded nervous when I really couldn't afford to, that is, during a major presentation. I was so disappointed at what happened that day. And then I got curious. Why does it happen? And what could I do about it, to prevent it from happening again?

I think you know where this is going.

It comes back to the breath.

Have a look at the article, and the three suggestions for what to do if you find yourself in this situation.
Kyndal Kennedy did just last week. Kyndal is the Director of Operations for WOTVS, and she was nervous before presenting to the audience. Here's what happened.

Attending Rebecca’s Breathwork class during the Mindful Monday Workshop at the Women of the Vine & Spirits Global Symposium opened my eyes to how breath can alter your state and calm the mind AND, it paid off almost immediately when I was about to go on stage the next day. I was very nervous backstage practicing my lines minutes from walking on, but I remembered Rebecca’s class, and focused on the intention of my breath and my inhales and exhales and felt immediately better and more focused. I kid you not.

Give it a try. Let it work for you.

PS We're posting the whole 30-day practice over on Beck's blog, for you to page back through, revisit, and take your time.

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Living and Drinking Alone - 3 Tips To Help Avoid Excess

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