Wake Up and Sit

Wake Up and Sit


When, exactly, does anyone have time to meditate?

That's probably the biggest question, and the biggest obstacle, that I hear expressed when it comes to meditating. Or not meditating, as the case may be.

Here's one response: Meditate whenever you can.

Here's another: Meditate when you need to.

Here's mine: Wake up and sit.

As in, open your eyes to the new day and go directly to wherever it is you've decided is your meditation spot. Sit upright, get comfortable, and close your eyes again.

This means you sit before you check your phone. (I know. I *know.*)

It means you sit before you feed the dog.

It means you sit before the to-do list starts taking shape.

Because by that point, for me, it's too late. By that point, I've lost the sweet window between the refuge of sleep and the reality of day. I've lost the blurry line between what I dream is possible and what is actually possible.

If I don't wake up and sit, I miss that. I miss the chance for one to cross over into the other. Even if it's for five minutes, or ten minutes, I really (really) want to dwell in that sweet, juicy place of possibility. I'm selfish for it.

Bottom line?

Don't think too much about it. Don't rationalize. Don't talk yourself out of it. Just wake up and sit. Watch what happens as you enjoy your body's awakening to the new day.

And smile.

For now, that's all. Next time we'll talk more about the "how" of meditation but for now, that's all.

Enjoy --


PS We're posting the whole 30-day practice over on Beck's blog, for you to page back through, revisit, and take your time.

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