Rachel DelRocco Terrazas, Editor-in-Chief at the Vintner Project, freelance writer, editor, and copywriter at racheldelrocco.com (Arizona, USA)

Rachel DelRocco Terrazas, Editor-in-Chief at the Vintner Project, freelance writer, editor, and copywriter at racheldelrocco.com (Arizona, USA)

Years in Industry: 

I’ve been in the industry 15 years now. I was a server and restaurant manager in New York; then I continued to learn my way around a restaurant in Austin and Houston as a manager, bartender, sommelier, and beverage director. I took certifications and studied, created cocktails and curated wine lists. Then I spent some time in Oaxaca to start my writing career. I fused the two when I ended up in NJ/NY working at Wine & Spirits Magazine as an Associate Editor, Tastings Director, spirits writer, and wine critic. As of 2020, I now work for myself! I’m the Editor-in-Chief at the Vintner Project and work for myself as a freelance writer, editor, and copywriter with more exciting projects in the works! If it wasn’t apparent, I need to keep things fresh!

My Top Three Challenges to Wellness:  

1. Addictive behavior—of all kinds! I got sober last year but those triggers and behaviors can manifest themselves in so many ways—a sense of overindulgence in response to an empty feeling. I find myself in the same trouble with substances like nicotine, caffeine, and sugar but also work, social media, and the news. I have to keep myself in check. 

2. Comparing myself to others—I try not to use the term “imposter” syndrome but I do find myself constantly comparing myself to others—what they’ve accomplished, what they’ve written, what projects they’re working on and wondering why I didn’t kick my own ass to do that too. It takes tremendous reminders of kindness to myself, checking my needs and wants, and having faith in timing. 

3. Procrastination! Queen of this—I always want to get ahead and not behind; I have such a tendency to wafer between overexcitement and overwhelmed that I render myself completely useless. It’s a vicious cycle and I’m slowlyyyyy finding ways to work through this one. 

How I Keep It Together to Stay Well:

Community and support is number one—remembering not to isolate and that you’re not alone. I have a therapist, a sponsor, and a network of people that keep me accountable and are there when I need. Working out has done wonders and not in the weight sense but in the feeling of being a nourished, stronger woman. Taking a pause. And setting boundaries and speaking my truth—easier said than done but the simple ideas of saying, “no” or “not right now” or “let me get back to you” or “I need help,” has changed everything.  

What Inspires Me:

People who are open, honest, and willing to others, to the world, to change that needs to happen. Artists, caretakers, speakers, writers, and those around who want to share their stories to help others. 

A Quote I Love: 

Bringing it old school and being open about my biggest not-so-guilty pleasure (this was also my high school yearbook quote but it’s still relevant and I still think about it):

“But then came the day I climbed out of these safe limbs, walking tall, head high up, and singing” – Dave Matthews Band ☺

You can connect with Rachel on Instagram at @racheldelrocco and online at www.racheldelrocco.com

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Robin Shreeves, Independent Journalist and Co-Founder, Thinking Outside The Bottle (New Jersey, USA)

Robin Shreeves, Independent Journalist and Co-Founder, Thinking Outside The Bottle (New Jersey, USA)

Michael Longerbeam, Direct to Consumer Manager, Dry Creek Vineyard (California USA)

Michael Longerbeam, Direct to Consumer Manager, Dry Creek Vineyard (California USA)