Juliana Colangelo, Frederick Wildman

Juliana Colangelo, Frederick Wildman

Location: New York, NY

Title: Senior Brand Manager, Frederick Wildman

What's your background, and how long have you been in the beverage industry?

My background in the beverage industry dates to college where I was part of the Barnard Bartending agency, pouring wine at everything from art openings and dinner parties, to weddings and events at the UN. My interest in the beverage industry expanded when I joined the team at Eataly as a server and started diving into the world of Italian wine (and beer). After college, I brought together my love of hospitality and beverage with my background and skills in communication, events and writing and joined my family's business, Colangelo & Partners, an integrated communications agency for the beverage alcohol industry. More recently, I joined the team at Frederick Wildman as a Senior Brand Manager to round out my experience in communications on the brand side.  

What are the top three challenges to maintaining your well-being in your work?           

1. Stagnation: sitting at a desk, in transit or at long meetings for hours on end does not serve my cardiovascular system, or my low back, particularly well.

2. Rushed Mornings: I am not a naturally early riser so it is a challenge for me to get enough sleep that I can fit in a morning routine that includes movement, breakfast, COFFEE (and more coffee) and getting ready for the day.

3. Time: In the fast-paced world of marketing and communications, emails, meetings, and to-dos are endless. For me, there is always a wish for extra hours in the day to devote to wellness.


What are 3 things you do (or try to do) to maintain your well-being?       

1. Movement and Exercise: I am someone who needs movement throughout the day to keep my system happy, so it is important for me to create time before or after work for exercise as well as smaller moments throughout the day (taking the stairs, regular desk breaks) to get my steps in and hit my daily goals. I love marathon running, and clocked 105 miles last year.

2. Continual Education: Outside of my love of wine and the industry, I am innately curious about health and wellness. I follow fitness influencers and subscribe to my favorites for newsletters and podcasts for continual knowledge and learning. More recently I signed up for a 6-week online course in Ayurvedic wellness to dive deeper into holistic diet and wellness.

3. Saying No: This is one I constantly need to work on but post-work social and personal commitments mean it's important for me to set boundaries on my time. Not to mention balancing any afterwork "work" events and dinners that may come with drawn out meals and many glasses of wine to get to bed on time.


What do you drink when you're not drinking alcohol?       

Coffee in all its forms - drips, Dunkin Donuts, espresso, even chocolate covered espresso beans.


What inspires you on your journey in the beverage industry?       

The community. I feel so incredibly lucky to be part of an industry that comes with such a rich, dynamic, engaged, kind and generous community of passionate people. And I feel even more fortunate to be in a position of connection and building upon this community as a communications leader in the beverage alcohol industry.       

What is a quote that you love?        

The stimulus for the lobster to be able to grow is that it first feels the pain. If it's scared of the change and chooses not to leave the shell, it will stay uncomfortable and trapped forever.

 You can connect with Jules on Instagram @julezcolang and LinkedIn

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