Jacy Topps, JacyTopps.com

Jacy Topps, JacyTopps.com

Location: New York City, NY 

Title: Freelance Journalist and Editor

What's your background, and how long have you been in the beverage industry? 

My introduction to the food and beverage started in the hospitality industry when I was 19, working as a bartender at a high-end hotel. I worked in hospitality for over a decade. I learned how to talk about wine, serve wine and make wine more approachable to consumers. I left hospitality and moved to New York to pursue fashion. After a brief stint in the fashion and beauty industry, I transitioned into journalism. Throughout my 12 years in journalism, I’ve covered politics, fashion, culture, race relations, mental health, the LGBTQ community, food, wine, and spirits. And of those 12 years, 10 years as a freelance journalist, which I’ve returned to, two years as a print editor, wine reviewer, and a year as a podcast host.


What are the top three challenges to maintaining your well-being in your work? 

"This is a hard one for me because working in media is really a challenge within itself, particularly as a Black woman. Black women face disproportionately high barriers. We are heavily impacted by bias in hiring, and unfortunately, we are promoted at a significantly lower rate. Racism and discrimination is a challenge I face on a daily basis. I don’t think people really understand how the impact of racism, microaggressions, and systemic oppression can weigh on your mental health and physical wellbeing. 

Another challenge is learning how to balance my personal life and my work. There are always lavish wine dinners and press trips, which are great for education and networking. You never want to miss out. So you end up saying yes to everything and doing too much. However, you can’t be everywhere all of the time. You have to say no sometimes. While I’m very lucky to travel and experience these opportunities, I have a life outside of wine that I enjoy too.  

Lastly, a big challenge for me is finding moderation with food. There is no shortage of delicious, multi-course meals in the wine world. I’m getting older, and for me, that means paying a little more attention to what I put in my body. Implicit bias and systemic racism plays a large role in healthcare disparities in the Black community. So I’m already starting out on an uneven playing field. 


What are 3 things you do (or try to do) to maintain your well-being?

"Over the years, I’ve learned to listen to my body. When I need a break from wine, I take it. I take breaks from drinking it, talking about wine, and even posting about it on social media. While I love what I do, it’s not my whole life.  

I always try to get a good night’s sleep. Unless I’m at a wine dinner, I’m usually in bed by 10pm these days. If I’m well rested, I can face anything the next day throws at me. 

Lastly, I try to remember who I am and that my contributions matter. There are days where this is harder than some. There are people in the media and wine world that don’t believe what I contribute matters. They believe the landscape should look and sound a certain way. They believe that only certain schooling and certifications matter. So they belittle and block people who don’t fit their mold. I have to remind myself of my worth and that I don’t have to prove it to anyone. 


What do you drink when you're not drinking alcohol?



What inspires you on your journey in the beverage industry?

Women who stand up and fight for other women inspire me. I think there's too much emphasis put on representation and not enough put on doing the work. The women who fight for other women to get equal pay, promote other women, sing other women's praises when they're not in the room, and women who harness their power to make sure they're not the only woman in the room all inspire me.


What is a quote that you love?

“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” James Baldwin

 You can connect with Jacy online at jacytopps.com and Instagram @jacytopps 

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