Bree Stock MW, Limited Addition Wines and Constant Crush Advisors

Bree Stock MW, Limited Addition Wines and Constant Crush Advisors

Role: Director of Bree Stock MW consulting
Owner/winemaker Limited Addition Wines and Constant Crush Advisors
Location: McMinnville, Oregon

My Background:
I have been in the wine industry for more than 25 years beginning in restaurants where I pursued sommelier and then buying roles, and began studying with the Sommelier Guild (I was in BC and the Court didn't have a presence in the early 2000s) and then began WSET programs.
After returning to Australia in the late 2000s I worked in sales and distribution for some of Australia's largest family-owned wine companies before focusing on bringing WSET programs and education to Melbourne and Brisbane. I also worked in importing and buying roles for an organic focused Spain and Portuguese wine importer in Melbourne.

When I began pursuing the Master of Wine certification in 2012 I began working harvests around the world and fell in love with working in the cellar. I became a Master of Wine in late 2016, and after wrapping up harvest in the Yarra Valley in 2017, I moved to Oregon to work with the Oregon Wine Board and consult on industry and trade education.

In 2019 I started Limited Addition Wines working with growers and in the cellar to expand the varietal diversity of Oregon's Willamette Valley, recognizing the quality of wine that can be produced in this amazing growing region but felt the region was being both seriously under-imagined and also far too reliant on a single grape variety and wine style. I work to build a more resilient wine industry in an effort to future proof the continued success of the Willamette through expanding the varietal landscape and planting later ripening varieties that suit the changing climate.

I continue to create education programming and curriculum for wine regions and I am committed to making wine education more accessible and equitable for trade and those who want to enter the wine trade around the world.

What are the top three challenges to maintaining your well-being in your work?
Working to build-in time for wellness in a packed travel schedule, boundary setting, not taking people's bias and lack of critical and creative thinking personally or allow it to derail my journey and purpose.

What are 3 things you do (or try to do) to maintain your well-being?
I have learned to be flexible and to give myself grace when I don't fit in all of my wellness goals! When I am traveling I like to take a sunrise walk or hike in whatever city I am in, I also try to meditate and journal while I am traveling. When I am at home I walk the forest trails close to my home and sauna/hot tub/cold plunge and build-in time for yoga and a monthly sound-bath.

What other beverages do you drink when you're not drinking alcohol?
Coffee! I love the regionality and the diverse flavor profiles different fermentation and roasting brings from each region. I also like tea and have a daily matcha. Bone broth, especially in the winter and fall becomes a staple of my morning also.

What would people be surprised to know about you?
Probably the number of places I have lived in and number of roles I have worked in the wine industry.

 What are you looking forward to?
The new generations coming to wine that are bringing higher expectations of transparency and sustainability to the wine category. I'm also looking forward to the continued growth and creativity that is coming from regions around the US and from when other voices are brought into the conversation. I'm always looking forward to another vintage and harvest as more of the new varieties that we are introducing to the Willamette Valley are coming into production.

What's your weirdest wellness hack?
Seeking out sound baths around the world.

What inspires you on your journey in the beverage industry?
Creative and critical thinking and accessibility.

What is a quote that you love?
"That's just like, your opinion, man" Jeff Bridges in The Big Lebowski.

You can connect with Bree on Instagram at @BreeStockMW @LimitedAdditionWines

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