Melissa Hoffman, Dauntless Performance Consulting

Melissa Hoffman, Dauntless Performance Consulting

Role: Managing Director
Location:  St Petersburg, Florida, USA

My Background:
I have over 20 years in Beverage Alcohol across the on-premise, Distribution, Import, direct to consumer, and Bev-Tech sectors, and grew SevenFifty to a successful exit. My philosophy is rooted in the belief that success comes from empowering and developing high-performing teams, creating environments where talent thrives and innovation flourishes.
I am dedicated to nurturing the next generation of industry leaders and hold several certifications in wine, life and executive coaching, psychology, leadership and mental health. I also hold a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of Albany, NY.

What are the top three challenges to maintaining your well-being in your work?
Knowing when to shut it down so the work doesn't suffer and I can come back fresh after a rest.
I bore easily in repetitive, unstimulating work.
Do I live at work or work at home?

What are 3 things you do (or try to do) to maintain your well-being?
I am an avid yogi, meditator, and cold plunge/sauna junkie. I practice Ashtanga yoga and have been practicing pratyahara and breathwork to achieve a meditative state for ten years. I am also a facilitator of guided mindfulness and have a YouTube channel with recordings.

What other beverages do you drink when you're not drinking alcohol?
If a sparkling water addiction was a criminal offense, I'd be locked up for life. Bubbly is my favorite — Blackberry and Blueberry Pomegranate —  and La Croix is a close second with Black Razzberry, Limoncello, and Tangerine as my drinks of choice.

What would people be surprised to know about you?
I have chronic health issues that require an intense amount of dedication and discipline to manage. I have followed the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP), a diet and lifestyle regimen designed to help regulate the immune system, since November 2015. After eliminating gluten, grains, dairy, soy, legumes, caffeine, nuts, and nightshade vegetables from my diet, I noticed marked improvements in my mental clarity, level of chronic pain, and overall well-being. After more than eight years on this protocol, I have found that my gut health improved enough to add some flexibility in foods I am able to tolerate with few consequences. 

What are you looking forward to?
All the places and people I haven't met yet.

What's your weirdest wellness hack?
Solitude. I present as wildly extroverted and my alone time is critical.

What inspires you on your journey in the beverage industry?
Solving problems and inspiring innovative thinking.

What is a quote that you love?
“Mental resilience is arguably the most critical trait of a world-class performer, and it should be nurtured continuously. Left to my own devices, I am always looking for ways to become more and more psychologically impregnable. When uncomfortable, my instinct is not to avoid the discomfort but to become at peace with it. My instinct is always to seek out challenges as opposed to avoiding them.” — Josh Waitzkin

You can connect with Melissa on LinkedIn

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