Michaela Morris - DipWSET, Wine Writer, Educator And Presenter (United Kingdom)

Michaela Morris - DipWSET, Wine Writer, Educator And Presenter (United Kingdom)

Years In Industry: 25

My Biggest Challenge To Wellness: 

The constant travel, which is often long haul and across many time zones. Besides the jetlag, there is also the tempting abundance of food and wine that is part and parcel of the trips. It makes it very difficult to establish or stick to any type of sleep, nutrition or exercise routine.

How I Keep It Together To Stay Well:
Yoga. Anytime, everywhere. It's a huge help probably more for my mental than physical health. I do it at the airport between connections, in my hotel room - sometimes when I am wide awake at 3am, in gas station parking lots during rest stops on media junkets and have even been known to stop tastings I am moderating to lead a yoga break. I have never regretted doing yoga and believe that even 5 minutes is worthwhile.

I have been practicing most of my life but only recently realized how it connects me to others. There is an extraordinary number of people in the wine industry who do yoga. When I travel, I now invite anyone who wishes to join my ad hoc sessions. Besides holding me accountable to practicing regularly, it helps cultivate a sense of community. This is crucial to my wellbeing especially when I am far from home.
I have plenty of other tricks as well, like drinking lots of water and seeking out healthy food. Above all though, I always try to focus on gratitude. This helps me appreciate and enjoy all of the extraordinary experiences I am so blessed with no matter how run down or tired I am.
How can we connect with you?

You can read my work on my author's pages of Quench and Decanter. I post on Instagram a lot and tweet occasionally at @MichaelaWine or you can reach out to me on FaceBook.

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Kurtis Kolt - Vancouver-Based Wine Consultant, Writer, Judge And Enthusiast (Canada)

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