Giuseppe LoCascio - Chief Everything Officer, Giuseppe LoCascio “Selezioni Varietali (Italy / USA)

Giuseppe LoCascio - Chief Everything Officer, Giuseppe LoCascio “Selezioni Varietali (Italy / USA)

Years In Industry: 

21 years, including 15 at my family’s fine wine importer and distributor company, The Winebow Group.

My Biggest Challenge To Wellness:

Being consistent with my wellness routines. I run my own business and I travel often and extensively. Sometimes it’s not possible to build a workout session, or even a quick run, into my schedule. Furthermore, like everyone else in the wine business, it’s difficult to always eat healthy and to avoid drinking, especially if you’re traveling to Italy often! On top of that, since I work with Italian wineries, the time zone difference sometimes makes it difficult to stick to my health plan.

How I Keep It Together To Stay Well: 

My mother is a Dietitian, so I grew up learning how to eat well and healthy (even in Italy!). She taught me how to maintain a balanced diet and showed me that our body needs variety and movement to remain in good shape. She also taught me that our body needs healthy nourishment as much as adequate gratification, and that it doesn’t respond well to too many sacrifices. So I guess it all boils down to maintaining an overall balance: understanding when to say “no” but also when to reward yourself with a treat. I try to exercise routinely, and that is very important for me to let off stress and feel more energized.

I also practice meditation 3 times or more a week. I consider it a “samurai” practice: it allows me to be present and grounded, and to have better self control, and that in general I think is of great support to have productive business meetings and sound decision making. 

Connect with Giuseppe on Instagram @glocascio or via his website 

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Amy Bess Cook - Founder, Woman-Owned Wineries (USA)

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