Amy Bess Cook - Founder, Woman-Owned Wineries (USA)

Amy Bess Cook - Founder, Woman-Owned Wineries (USA)

Years In Industry: 

Eight years as winery manager and brand consultant, 1 year as wine entrepreneur

My Biggest Challenge To Wellness:

I am my own biggest challenge! I keep multiple creative projects cooking at one time. If I don’t carefully tend my proverbial kitchen, the whole house burns down.

How I Keep It Together To Stay Well:

Mornings are important.  When I first open my eyes, I pay attention to how I feel, what I dreamed about, what’s happening in my body—all that good stuff. I write down my observations. I’ve been keeping a journal since I was a child. Then I try to start the day in a way that sets a positive tone: a coffee, a poem, a moment of quiet. I have been practicing yoga for about 20 years, and while I still can’t rock Scorpion pose (someday!) I can show up on the mat.  Am I sometimes riled unexpectedly so I wake up grumpy? Sure. Do I always have time for yoga? No. But I can almost always count on that moment just after I open my eyes, when life—even with all its challenges—seems clear.

Connect with Amy Bess on Instagram at @amybessyes or @wowsonoma

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Hannah Wallace - Freelance Writer/Editor - SevenFIfty Daily, Food & Wine Magazine (USA)

Hannah Wallace - Freelance Writer/Editor - SevenFIfty Daily, Food & Wine Magazine (USA)

Giuseppe LoCascio - Chief Everything Officer, Giuseppe LoCascio “Selezioni Varietali (Italy / USA)

Giuseppe LoCascio - Chief Everything Officer, Giuseppe LoCascio “Selezioni Varietali (Italy / USA)