Chad Paré, Area Sales Manager North Central, Folio Fine Wine Partners (USA)

Chad Paré, Area Sales Manager North Central, Folio Fine Wine Partners (USA)

Years In Industry:
I’ve been in the industry for more than 24 years. I started in restaurants for the first seven years, then to distribution sales for the next 14, and with national importer Folio since mid-2015. I can’t believe it has been that long. As a kid growing up in Denver Colorado, being in the wine business wasn’t something you thought about. I didn’t even know a career in wine could exist, but it does, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

My Biggest Challenge To Wellness:
Making myself a priority. With the social aspect of our industry, something will come up every day of the week - whether it is tastings, happy hours, dinners or entertaining. It’s hard to make yourself #1 when there are so many demands on your time. The best way for me to navigate that pressure is to workout super early – often starting at 5:30am. By getting it done early I know that I have taken care of myself first and I’m not searching for time to fit it in later.
The long days and longer nights make it hard to stay healthy, but personal time planning is essential. Also my best advice is to be realistic when you set goals for maintaining wellness; don’t pack in too much so the first thing you cut out is the workout. Make your workout the priority, not the afterthought.

How I Keep It Together To Stay Well:
For years I struggled with finding a workout that connected with me.  A little over 6 years ago I tried High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT and I was hooked.   It continues to be the perfect workout for me still today.  Finding a workout that I can get lost in for that hour is so important.  We all work in this industry because we are passionate about it.   I had to find that same passion in my workout and then figure out where to fit it into my day.  I put my workouts on the schedule like the most important meetings in my day.  I try to leave everything at the door and exercise hard enough so that I am concentrated on the program and not the 100 other things that need to be done. It clears my mind for the day, gets the blood flowing and allows for focus the rest of the day.
You can connect with Chad on Instagram @chadapare or FaceBook Chad Pare and Chad Pare’s hair.

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Devin Parr, Founder & Managing Partner of Devin Parr & Associates; Brand Marketing Partner for Temecula Valley Wine Country;  freelance wine writer (USA)

Devin Parr, Founder & Managing Partner of Devin Parr & Associates; Brand Marketing Partner for Temecula Valley Wine Country;  freelance wine writer (USA)

Chris Laveglia, Mid Atlantic Region Manager, Gonzalez Byass (USA)

Chris Laveglia, Mid Atlantic Region Manager, Gonzalez Byass (USA)