Chris Laveglia, Mid Atlantic Region Manager, Gonzalez Byass (USA)

Chris Laveglia, Mid Atlantic Region Manager, Gonzalez Byass (USA)

Years in the Industry:

Officially 12 years but unofficially quite a bit longer. When I was on summer break from school my parents would permit me a day or two to spend a day with my dad, who was a sales rep in southern New Jersey. I was known as the Palm Bay Baby because I was the first child born to an employee at the time, back in 1984. I vividly remember going into accounts with him; he’d talk to owners, diligently take notes, and finally head to a payphone to call in the orders. He would later go on to become management at a distributor. I would sweep the warehouse, work the trucks in college during winter break, or just do odd jobs to make a buck here and there. Outside of actually making the wine I think I've had nearly any job in the wine industry there is – working harvest, cleaning tanks, warehouse, assembly line, tasting room, sales, delivery, importing and distribution.


My Biggest Challenge to Wellness:

For a long time it was convincing myself I was eating healthily while in fact I was not. The dearth of education to me was the biggest challenge, but once I learned about what to eat and WHEN to eat it, eating healthy truly isn't as much of a challenge as one might think. In our industry the consumption of unhealthy calories is unavoidable (and FUN!) but finding an appropriate balance is the key.  

On a day-to-day level I find eating healthy and hydrating while traveling to be the biggest challenge. The healthiest option often is not the easiest. Finding those nutrient dense foods packed with energy calories are my go-to's. They are pretty simple but I love them. A banana with almond butter and black coffee is how I start most days if I work out in the morning. Packed with energy and delicious! If not working out in the AM I try to hold off on breakfast and stick with a black coffee—intermittent fasting is a real thing and really works.

Snack wise, I’m always hunting for high protein/healthy carb options. Beef/turkey jerky, nuts (specifically almonds), fruits, Greek yogurt, etc. One of my favorite sweet tooth substitutes is the Cookie Dough Perfect Bar – loaded with calories and it REALLY tastes like cookie dough! 


How I Keep it Together to Stay Well:

Find an activity or exercise that you are passionate about! My wellness and fitness level kicked up precipitously once I found combat sports; I was drawn to the “human chess” element of it. I’ve alternated between disciplines, including Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, and am currently boxing. Before you know it you're drinking more water/getting enough sleep/maybe going for that healthy snack so that you can more effectively perform your activity. 

One of my favorite things about the wine industry is the passion of the people in it. We aren't a bunch who punch a time card, mindlessly drone for a paycheck and die. We are in this because it stirs something, emits emotion, stimulates the senses and stokes a fire. Whether it be riding a bike, yoga, boxing, running...find something you love.

All that being said...treat yourself! Anyone who knows me knows I have a ferocious sweet tooth.  Life is too short to always skip dessert.

You can find Chris on Instagram, Facebook or email at


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Chad Paré, Area Sales Manager North Central, Folio Fine Wine Partners (USA)

Chad Paré, Area Sales Manager North Central, Folio Fine Wine Partners (USA)

Yannick Benjamin, Head Sommelier at The University Club, Proprietor of Contento and co-founder of Wheeling Forward NYC (USA)

Yannick Benjamin, Head Sommelier at The University Club, Proprietor of Contento and co-founder of Wheeling Forward NYC (USA)