We Have Big Plans – And We Want Your Help

We Have Big Plans – And We Want Your Help

Earlier this week I attended a Mental Wellness webinar.
The biggest lesson I took away was not that we are in a time of crisis (we knew that) but that dealing with new and constant forms of stress will be part of the new normal for months – and maybe years – to come.
Wine professionals were already stressed before this pandemic happened. We have the same long hours and issues as other professionals, but our situation is compounded by working with alcohol, often for low wages.
That’s why, two years ago now, I started A Balanced Glass, to give back to the people and the industry I love so much. The response has been amazing – it’s clear from the emails, texts, messages and site searches, that many, many people value this kind of help and information.
We want to keep going – but now we need help too.
Since Day One, I have personally funded every aspect of A Balanced Glass, because I believe so strongly that supporting physical and mental health is important. I still work full-time in wine communications, and Cathy continues to write for Forbes and Inc and also lead her own data analytics agency, while donating her time, support, authorship, friendship and network.
Every week, we research, write, and collaborate with wine professionals across the world, many of whom also donate their time, talents, ideas and experience to support the ABG cause.
Many of you have shared how ABG has provided a shoulder to lean on, a safe space to share concerns, or a resourceful place when you need answers, (and let’s be honest, it’s cheaper than a therapy session.)
There’s still so much more we can do, but we have hit our natural limits so to keep building this community resource, we need a hand.
This is where you come in.
Thanks to more than a year of prodding by the brilliant wine strategist, and ABG supporter, Polly Hammond of 5Forests, we have created an account with Patreon - an online platform that offers a  simple way for people to financially support the ABG vision, on a monthly basis at the investment level that you are comfortable with. Starting at $3 a month, every dollar you contribute really helps.  

So if you’re in the financial position to do so, consider buying us a tasting, a full glass or a bottle, each month. We will use the money to hire outside help to improve the community tools, help people connect and develop training tools and other resources.
There’s a lot to do – the big takeaway from the Mental Wellness webinar is that we have to gear up to face a long period of stress and uncertainty. But Cathy and I have always believed we can get through anything, if we do it together.
So, here’s that link to Patreon again. Anything you can contribute will be put to good use.

We hope you will support us and thank you for being part of the journey so far.

What We're Reading:

Theres no shortage of industry news, and here's what has piqued our interest on wellness-related topics.

Work from Home is Dead, Long Live Work from Anywhere  - TechCrunch.com 
The point of flexibility here is to untether our schedules and the stress associated with them and allow our work to happen where we want it to.
To Avoid Burnout, Work Less and Ignore ‘Productivity Propaganda’ – Bloombergbusinessweek.com
Recovery time is key to innovation and output, says digital anthropologist Rahaf Harfoush.
A Guided S.T.O.P. Practice for Focused Awareness – Mindful.org
Rhonda V. Magee, professor of law at the University of San Francisco trained in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, offers a guided meditation as part of the Mindful@Home series.

Q&A: A Shifting Landscape – WineBusinessMonthly.com
Wine Enthusiast Media's Editor-in-Chief, Susan Kostrzewa, reflects on content strategy, audience engagement, and industry trends during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Meet the Community!

Our community is only as strong as the company we keep, and here we meet some of the folks who make our profession so dynamic.


Gary Obligacion, General Manager, Post Ranch Inn, California (USA)

Years In Industry:
I've been in hospitality in some shape or form since 1984 – more than 36 years. I've been in hospitality management since 1997, with my first management job being at The Ritz-Carlton in San Francisco, which was a 5-Star/5-Diamond rated property at the time.

My Biggest Challenge To Wellness:
My biggest challenge to wellness has always been and continues to be "balance" between work and personal life. Part of the downside of our industry is the perception that all is well because we are on stage and with that we are smiling, but that doesn’t mean we’re happy. We are social animals. We need to identify and become and be a part of community. That isn’t just at work – community should extend well beyond our work environments. Finding that balance and community is hard.

How I Keep It Together To Stay Well:
I keep my time away from the office sacred and try (as much as possible) not to engage from home. Smart phones have made this tougher than it used to be as the emails now come in at all times. That said, when I take a day off, I try to do activities that take me away -- hiking in Big Sur the current favorite, but a good book or a little binge TV can do the trick.

You can connect with Gary on Instagram @GaryOoooo and Twitter @GaryOooooo

Let's Meet Up - Virtually!

In light of current world events, we are offering online gatherings for ways to connect. Check it out.


Join the ABG Community:

If someone has passed along this weekly news, you can receive your own copy by signing up on the website here: Join the Community or at the A Balanced Glass Facebook Group.

You can also connect through Instagram @abalancedglass and Twitter @abalancedglass 

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