Photo Credit: Lesly Juarez for

Photo Credit: Lesly Juarez for


Mindfulness & Sensory Training with Chiara

In this video, Mindful Wine Founder Chiara Shannon "The Yogi Sommelier" shares two easy sensory training exercises to strengthen attention and enhance awareness while inviting relaxation and calm.

Chiara is also a 500 RYT certified yoga professional and MBSR-informed mindfulness practitioner with many years of study. This unique background in wine and wellness led to the creation Mindful Wine™, a multi-faceted consultancy offering her signature Taste With Intention™ wine courses, along with professional consulting, education and experience services.

Find out more about Chiara on her website, Mindful Wine


Week Four:

This week we turned our attention to the mindfulness of thought, and explored some ideas around managing the barrage of information thrown at us each and every day. A short meditation is included within the episode, and it’s pulled out as an individual file as well for your convenience.

Week Three:

The gathering this week explores the topic of “metta,” otherwise known as lovingkindness and how it can be applied in our daily lives. Includes a short meditation available within the talk, or as a separate file below.

Week Two:

This week Cathy considers the role of breath in meditation and how mindfulness in our breath practices can bring calm to our everyday lives. Includes a short meditation available within the talk, or as a separate file below.

Week One:

In this very first session of ABG On the Cushion, Cathy introduces the essential concepts of mindfulness and body scanning.

Please note that this session was originally presented via a Zoom video conference, and the experience you’ll have listening to the audio version is, of course, somewhat different. Please be in touch with Beck or Cathy if you’d like the link to the full video version as well. Thank you, and enjoy!