Mark Davidson, Head of Education Development - North America, Wine Australia (Iowa, USA)

Mark Davidson, Head of Education Development - North America, Wine Australia (Iowa, USA)

Years in the industry: 
I started working Saturdays doing roll-ups at Pancakes on the Rocks restaurant in Sydney in 1975 so I guess that is 45 years! Damn! I am old!

I went through Hotel and Catering Management college from 1979 to 1981 in Sydney. Started in kitchens initially then moved to front of house. Traveled a lot from 1983 to 1985 then moved to Canada. Took a wine appreciation course in 1986 and that changed my direction. Decided that wine is where I wanted to be and pursued a career as a sommelier.

Back then sommelier was an unknown word never mind profession. I started a wine school in Vancouver BC and ran it while managing wine programs in a couple of different restaurants. I was approached by Wine Australia in 2009 and while I have had a few different roles, working domestically and with the global team, I am now Head of Education Development for North America.
My Biggest Challenge to Wellness:
Pre-COVID the demands of travel were always a challenge. Irregular schedule and eating habits, interrupted sleep patterns and finding the time for regular exercise and fitness.

I have an amazing wife who also travelled for work but we always manage to be patient and understanding with one another. Frankly, just finding time to do things that remove me from daily stresses was the most challenging element.

COVID has presented different challenges. No travel but the mental gymnastics required to navigate the current situation are not without stress. The uncertainty is hard. Watching all my hospitality friends and colleagues struggle has been torturous to say the least.

How I Keep It Together to Stay Well:
Trying to remain positive. Being appreciative of what I do have rather than want I don’t. The recent situation has brought our family closer together which is a source of comfort.

I have always been someone that needs a sport or activity that keeps me in the moment. That idea that while you are doing this activity or thing, nothing else is in focus. Something to calm an over-active mind. When I was younger it was surfing. Now it is fly fishing. Strolling waist deep in a cold, spring fed creek has literally kept me sane during the last nine months. I don’t even care if I’m not catching fish, the sound of the moving water soothes my soul.

I also have a ritual of making tea for my wife in the morning. We drink it in bed and discuss the day. It is my favourite part of the day. Exercise is critical to being mentally well. I turn into a baby orangutan if I don’t regularly go to the gym, go running or play tennis….or something.
You can connect with Mark on InstagramTwitterFacebook and LinkedIn.

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