Rupal Shankar, Wine Writer, Yoga and meditation Teacher (New York City, USA)

Rupal Shankar, Wine Writer, Yoga and meditation Teacher (New York City, USA)

Title: Wine Writer, and Yoga and Meditation Teacher

Location: New York City, USA

Years in the Industry:
I have been a wine lover and wine connoisseur for most of my adult life, but my career in the wine industry began eight years ago when I transitioned my career from Wall Street to the Wine Cellar. I left my corporate job in the finance industry in 2009 to care for my two young boys. The wine industry provided me a platform to bring balance to my life, I was able to have a successful career as a wine writer and take care of my family at the same time. My career as a wine writer also allows me the opportunity to wear many hats; I also do strategic planning and marketing for wineries. 

In the past few months, my life has come full circle. After a 13-year break from Wall Street, I have gone back to corporate life, which I have always loved and enjoyed but left for family reasons. My children are now young adults in college and my husband and I are officially empty nesters. In the coming years, I envision myself thriving in my corporate career as well as continuing to pursue my passion as a wine writer and content creator. Many have asked me how I will balance both. I say that I don't have all the answers just yet, but I do know this - I love being in the stimulating and challenging world of Wall Street and I have a deep passion and knowledge of wine that I want to share with the world. So I am confident that both will have a place in my future.
My Top Three Challenges to Wellness:

  1. The last several months have been complicated and overwhelming with my return to Wall Street. Trying to manage a new corporate career and continuing to write has taken a toll on my diet, exercise and sleep. I find myself making quick food choices that do not always lead to the best outcome. Sleep is also something that has been lacking and is beginning to take a toll. Exercise has been almost nonexistent. This is a very difficult period of transition for me. I realize something needs to change and plan to make wellness a priority in the coming months. 

  2. One of my biggest challenges is not knowing how to say NO, whether it is professionally, socially or with family. Our roles and relationships help define who we are and I want to show up 100% for all those around me. Lately, that means NOT having the time to show up for me.

  3. In the past year, I was also diagnosed with glaucoma. It was very hard for me to accept because I was told that many forms of yoga were no longer an option for me. Being a yoga teacher, this news was traumatic. With glaucoma, your heart cannot be lower than your eyes, as this adds pressure to the eyes. This means many yoga styles and poses are no longer an option, especially some very basic and critical poses like down dog, forward folds and inversions. I put my teaching on hold. It felt inauthentic to teach since I was not fully able to practice.

How I Keep It Together to Stay Well:
Wellness and balance mean many things to different people. I am also a huge believer in having a routine and daily rituals. I love to wake up and do a morning meditation followed by a cup of warm soothing tea. My evenings generally end with a glass of wine (or tea) and journaling. Having a routine and daily rituals allows me to bring mindfulness into my life and briefly disconnect from all my responsibilities. During my mornings and evenings, spending a few minutes on these small rituals is also the time that my creative juices start flowing.  

Lastly, my family has been extremely supportive of my career transition and the extra responsibilities I have taken on. They have been my rock and have stepped up to the plate and taken charge of things that normally I would have taken care of.  This allows me to go for a walk or an occasional workout.  I keep it together because I have the love and support of my family. 
What Inspires Me:
I am inspired by intellectual stimulation, wine, food, travel, yoga, philosophy and spirituality. The more these things are a part of my life, the more inspired and fulfilled I am. Being immersed in these few things bring me joy, happiness and inspiration. These aspects get me excited and motivated to pursue my dreams and goals. I am blessed that I have a career, passion, and hobby that blend these elements seamlessly into my life.  
A Quote I Love:
I love the quote “Keep your face always toward the sunshine—and the shadows will fall behind you.” ~ Walt Whitman.  The meaning of this quote has always touched me because it is how I choose to live my life. Walt Whitman’s quote reflects how our sense of optimism and strength can bring about a positive outcome. I believe paying attention to the energy we emit and the optimism we hold, is the key to our success.
You can connect with Rupal on Instagram, Facebook and her website.

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