Jacqueline Yoakum, Keller Estate Winery

Jacqueline Yoakum, Keller Estate Winery

Title: Winemaker, Keller Estate
Location: Petaluma, California

What's your background, and how long have you been in the beverage industry?
My cumulative time in the industry dates back to 1998 when I got my first job on the North Fork of Long Island at Macari Vineyards. They were farming 400 acres biodynamically which was very innovative and a great introduction to farming practices with holistic intention. While at Macari, I called some of the authors of books from the winemaker's winemaking library.

After a conversation with Linda Bisson at UC Davis, I decided that I wanted to go to graduate school. I went back to school to get some pre-requisites and eventually moved to Napa and worked in the wine industry before I started my master's program, to make sure it was a good decision (and it didn't hurt that I became eligible for in-state tuition).

Prior to working in the wine industry, I worked on two major projects: a book and traveling exhibition on Swedish Art Nouveau Porcelain by Rörstrand from 1895 to 1905, and the design and build of an American Indian jewelry store in SOHO. Both were four and a half year projects.

What are the top three challenges to maintaining your well-being in your work?
1. The work-life balance is critical. I am cognizant every day of managing to arrive at work with a clear head and ready to work. I do a daily meditation on one of my apps to prepare myself for the day and bring my awareness into my physical body in the present moment. While I am still lying down in bed before I wake up, I listen to a meditation. I like the mediations in the Chani app.

2. Another challenge to maintaining well-being at work is letting go of attachment to outcomes. Sometimes you are pulled in one direction or another. Having plasticity is important. Neuroplasticity is your ability to adapt and go with the flow. Nurturing your neuroplasticity is an art and requires that you let go of your ego and your expectations.

3. The third challenge is to manage stress! I feel that if you have to make a list of things to do, you have too many things to do. I keep my lists short - the things that need to get done. Focus is important, and you can't focus if you are trying to do too much. We could have a long conversation about the effects of stress on the body and mind.

What are 3 things you do (or try to do) to maintain your well-being?
1. One challenge is to set goals to maintain your balance. My goals include working out 6 days a weeks (3 days of swimming, 2 days of strength training, one day of stretching and one day of rest). I keep the goals attainable, which means only 30 minutes of toning and stretching. Swimming a bit longer, especially on Saturday. Rest is important too, and I listen to my body if it needs rest. No harm in taking a few days off here and there. Consistency is a life-long practice of honoring your body.

2. Another thing I do is to stay tuned into my body's bio-feedback. Every 12 weeks I see a holistic practitioner to read my torus pattern and measure my biofield. From these sessions, I get recommendations of supplements which will fortify my biofield, immune system, digestive function, and inflammation control. I also see a chiropractor every 12 weeks to get an adjustment which also helps to keep the torus biofield unblocked.

3. I can't emphasize enough how important it is to drink enough water!

What other beverages do you drink when you're not drinking alcohol?
I like to drink water with electrolytes. My electrolytes of choice are E-lyte by BodyBio. I find that I can drink more water when it has electrolytes in it. I also make a protein shake on many mornings. I add frozen organic mango, kale, and berries, coconut milk, whey protein powder, moringa powder, spirulina powder, phosphatidylcholine, vit DK, reishi & chaga powder, and maca/ashwaganda powder.

What inspires you on your journey in the beverage industry?
Creativity. Working with plants and farming regeneratively. Working with people who value these things.

What is a quote that you love?
Start to do now, not to try later.

You can connect with Jacqueline online at yoakumwines.com and @jacyoakum

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