Antonia Caserta - Wine Writer and Italian Wine Specialist

Antonia Caserta - Wine Writer and Italian Wine Specialist

Title: Wine Writer / Italian Wine Specialist, Educator, and Consultant

Location: Florence, Italy

Years in the Industry:

My career in the industry began in 2005 with Diageo, working in various sales and marketing roles across the northeast USA. Growing up as an Italian-American I loved Italy and it was a childhood dream of mine to live there one day. This dream, combined with my desire to embark on an Italian wine-focused path, led to my big move to Bologna in 2011 where I pursued an MBA in Food & Wine at the University of Bologna. I spent the next decade sipping and tasting my way through Italy, immersing myself in the Italian winemaking landscape, becoming a certified sommelier, and working in wine export sales, among other roles. Over the last couple of years, after much reflection, I came to understand that I wanted more creativity, connection and alignment in my professional life. My work is now centered on wine writing and Italian wine education, communication, and consultancy, focusing on and working with small producers, lesser known viticultural areas and native varieties.


My Top Three Challenges to Wellness:

1.     Consistency and discipline, both as it relates to my wellness practices and also in my writing. In order for me to do the work I need to do to get where I’d like to go, creating a routine and sticking to it is paramount. It’s really been a big learning curve for me getting this down. I am constantly reminding myself that when I work within a routine I feel better and I can close the day feeling satisfied. Consistency and discipline are about showing up for myself, keeping myself accountable, and believing and trusting in myself and my vision.

2.     Not overindulging and being swept up in the moment. Working in this business, I imagine this is something with which we all struggle. Italy, where I am currently based, is truly a place for the senses; Food and wine abound here. Over the years I’ve had to cultivate my sense of staying present, which has helped me be in and enjoy the convivial moments yet not be carried away by them. 

3.     Balancing more active periods with rest. Although I am an introvert, I also feel energized when I’m surrounded by like-minded people. I enjoy listening to their stories and learning from them - this is one of the amazing things about working in the wine industry! Yet, as much as I enjoy this aspect, I also need long periods of rest and integration, especially after intense wine events or several nights of work dinners. I notice that being constantly surrounded by others is not conducive to my wellness. More active periods need to be offset by rest yet, if the pendulum swings too far the other way, too much rest can lead to stagnation. Like everything in life, there has to be a balance.

How I Keep It Together to Stay Well:

It’s about meditation and movement. Both of these practices serve to move energy, especially in periods when I’m feeling stuck, and to make space for whatever I need in that moment or phase of my life to come through.  

Over the last couple of years in particular, I have come to understand that these two things are absolutely the pillars upon which everything else in my life stands and is created. My meditation includes reading inspirational texts, breath work, and sitting in silence. The movement part can be movement of the body, like yoga and walking in nature, or movement of feelings and thoughts, which happens through journaling. Essentially, these two practices help me get out of my own way and, even if nothing else on my to-do list gets done that day, engaging in these gives me a sense of calm, steadiness, and accomplishment.

Another big realization I’ve had is that not everything has to be perfect to be of value. Perfection is an illusion. It doesn’t exist and is therefore unattainable. I realized that the idea that things must be perfect was keeping me small and unable to move forward. Instead, if I take daily steps, however tiny and however imperfect, I feel really good about myself. The fear subsides and I am that much closer to my goals. The idea then is to just keep moving forward, to keep progressing, to keep expanding and to do so with self-compassion. We are all just learning how to move through this life, anyway.


What Inspires Me:

People inspire me. Connecting with like-minded individuals that live authentically and boldly. Hearing their personal stories of transformation, resiliency, and how they came to believe in their vision and carve their path. Creativity in all forms inspires me. Learning and delving into things like yoga, spirituality and herbalism. Vineyards and being in nature are huge sources of inspiration and connection for me.


A Quote I Love:

There are many! But one that I’m really drawn to at this moment is “Progress over perfection.” As a not-so-reformed perfectionist, this is really important for me. In fact, I have it taped to my computer so I can see it at all times!

You can connect with Antonia on her website and on Instagram @_antoniarosa and @drinkitalianwine

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