Marika Vida-Arnold, Founder Vida Et Fils Wine Consulting and TheMomSomm (New York, USA)

Marika Vida-Arnold, Founder Vida Et Fils Wine Consulting and TheMomSomm (New York, USA)

Years in the Industry:
Since the age of 14, so 37 years!.
I got the ‘wine bug’ in Toronto when I was in University, working in restaurants to pay for school (my background was in media, broadcasting and Film & Television. I was working for a Film Director who was a big wine buff and we would drink ‘auction juice’. I didn’t really know what that was until I worked in Auctions, moving to New York, working for both Morrell & Company and Sotheby’s.

I actually became a sommelier after my children were born - initially it was part-time but when I became the Wine Director for the Ritz Central Park, it was full-time and I left in 2018 to pursue my own consulting company. Ideally I wanted to present and educate, but truth be known, I NEVER wanted to do inventory again! Today I’m the owner of Vida Et Fils Wine Consulting and TheMomSomm®️ with a focus on women and particularly Moms in the wine biz!

My Top 3 Challenges to Wellness:
1. A big one for me this past year has been to focus on being surrounded by people that ‘bring each other up’ ! There’s been a lot of desperation in our industry and while I keep reading ‘we’re in this together’ I’ve had some moments with people where it was all about THEM. I’m tired of it, it’s become ‘Lord of the Wine Flies’ so I’m now making a very exerted effort to be with people that inspire and support so I can equally inspire and support them!
2. Always trying to find balance between being a parent and work. I try to focus on quality because I can’t always do quantity!!
3. Our industry is very indulgent. We drink the best wine and have ridiculous dining our bodies a break is key...I have to constantly work on this!

How I keep it together to stay well!
1. EXERCISE I love to run (it’s my passion) but being sensitive to the fact that 51 isn’t 31 (and I would like to avoid knee surgery) I balance it out with HIIT workouts, yoga, Pilates and biking.
2. Meditation and guidance from my Guru Eknath Easwaren (who has since passed but whose books and quotes will touch me forever)
3. My DOG! One look in those ‘Thank you for rescuing me Pitbull eyes’ and I truly get unconditional love (particularly when I’m feeding him) but seriously animals are THE most therapeutic creatures...especially during a pandemic!

What Inspires Me:
My sons
Badass women
Amanda Gorman (yes I know I’m redundant but she’s needs her own line)
Great writing
Compassion and strength in leadership
Travel, travel, travel
Someone that can hold a room
Boots (sorry but if I’m being honest...)

My favorite quote:
“There is no good or bad but thinking makes it so” ~ Hamlet

You can connect with Marika on Instagram @themommsomm Twitter @Marika_Vida or online at

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Brett Vankoski, Vice President and Co-Founder, Latitude Beverage Company and 90+ Cellars (Massachusetts, USA)

Brett Vankoski, Vice President and Co-Founder, Latitude Beverage Company and 90+ Cellars (Massachusetts, USA)

Amy Gross, CEO & Founder, VineSleuth/ Wine4.Me (Texas, USA)  

Amy Gross, CEO & Founder, VineSleuth/ Wine4.Me (Texas, USA)