Cheramie Law, Owner and Co-Founder of Salt and Pepper Wine, Texas (USA) 

Cheramie Law, Owner and Co-Founder of Salt and Pepper Wine, Texas (USA) 

Years In the Industry:
I have been in the beverage industry for about 6 years now.  My time started as an enthusiast of wine made in Texas.  I quickly realized that there were many people who didn’t know the amazing things going on in the Texas Wine industry , thus my life/business partner Todd and I began traveling around the state (Texas is a huge state) meeting with winemakers, growers and industry leaders all in an effort to learn and educate on the great things happening in the Texas wine region. We then realized that not many wineries were focus on the sale of Texas Wine outside of their tastings rooms so, we became wine brokers of small wineries. 
Recently, we have started our own wine brand, Cheramie Wine.  Our wine brand is focused on bringing 100% Texas Wine to the World.  We will be releasing our first wine, Spring 2020 and our second, Fall 2020.   We can’t wait!
My Biggest Challenge To Wellness:
My biggest challenge is being able to prioritize my health and wellness in the midst of this wonderful chaos of building our brand.  With everything moving at the speed of lightning, taking care of myself sometimes moves to the back burner.  I have learned quickly that when I do not choose my health and wellness, the speed of the industry will outpace me!
How I Keep It Together To Stay Well:
I’ve recently discovered Sadhguru’s Inner Engineering and his practice of Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya.  This practice has been the most transformational thing that I have done for my wellness, thus far.  From the Shambhavi Mahamudra streams better eating, changed thought patterns on stress, and overall becoming a more conscientious person. I have also found that spending time alone to think and decompress helps renew my spirit.
You can connect with Cheramie on Instagram @Onbeingchermms and @cheramiewine and on FaceBook at saltandpepperwine

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Dan Sims, Founder / CEO, Revel (Melbourne, Australia)

Dan Sims, Founder / CEO, Revel (Melbourne, Australia)

Cecil Park, Founder, WineFornia; and Winemaker, INNOVATUS, Napa Valley (USA)

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