Wendy Narby - Owner, Insider Tasting Wine Education (France)

Wendy Narby - Owner, Insider Tasting Wine Education (France)

Years In Industry:

Almost 30. After 8 years in Paris, I moved to Bordeaux to marry a winemaker and I’ve been working in the industry ever since. I started as a journalist, then as an educator at the Bordeaux wine school and now combine the two with organizing personalized programs for wine enthusiasts, both professional and amateurs wanting to gain a more intimate understanding of Bordeaux and occasionally other wine and spirits destinations. I published my first book ‘Bordeaux Bootcamp’ as a beginners guide to the region and earlier this year - The Drinking Woman’s Diet - A Liver Friendly Lifestyle Guide.

My Biggest Challenge To Wellness:

Keeping to my self-imposed regime of two days a week without booze, it is so tempting when there is so much great wine around, that and getting 7/8 hours sleep a night. Now that is a challenge! 

How I Keep It Together To Stay Well:

I have a morning detox routine I try and stick to, even when I’m traveling: I start with a large glass of water and a stretch before even getting out of bed, oil pulling and body brushing and then a large mug of hot water with lemon juice, turmeric, ginger and pepper. I

I try and do a daily yoga practice in the morning, even if it is just 10 minutes of sun salutations. When I’m home walking the dog through the vines at the start of the day is as good for the mind as it is for the body. 

You can connect with Wendy on Instagram, Twitter, FaceBook or on her website

You can purchase Wendy’s Book “The Drinking Woman’s Diet” in paperback , on e*book or via Amazon.

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Morgan Perry - Founder, Vino Vinyasa  (USA)

Morgan Perry - Founder, Vino Vinyasa (USA)

 Jo Diaz - Founding Partner, Diaz Communications, Wine Marketing And Public Relations (USA)

Jo Diaz - Founding Partner, Diaz Communications, Wine Marketing And Public Relations (USA)