Regine T Rousseau, CEO Shall We Wine (Chicago, USA)

Regine T Rousseau, CEO Shall We Wine (Chicago, USA)

Years in the industry
I worked as a wine salesperson in the late 1990’s. I left the industry after two years to pursue  a career in pharmaceutical sales. I always maintain an interest in wine and spirits and knew that someday I would return to the industry.
Fast forward to 2013, when I was happily laid off from a sales position with a litigation consulting firm. I decided then to find my way back to wine. I applied to a few sales positions. The companies I was most excited to work for did not offer me a position (I am sure they are regretting this now). Circa December of 2013, I put pen to paper and decided to create my dream job. Did I ever!
Today, I am the CEO of Shall We Wine. The mission of Shall We Wine is to celebrate and demystify the alcoholic beverage, inspiring great drinkers everywhere! Shall We Wine is an experiential marketing, promotions and event partner that specializes in offering wine & spirits solutions for both client and consumer — with a philosophy that embraces approachability and accessibility.
My biggest challenge to wellness
The pursuit of perfection. I am working on surrendering to the reality that perfection is an illusion. I know this to be fact, but I sometimes struggle.  A few weeks ago, while listening to Brené Brown's podcast, Unlocking Us, I heard a quote that best sums up the mindset I am working to embrace. Brené Brown was interviewing Laverne Cox.
Brown ends each podcast interview with ten quick fire questions. She asked Cox, “You are called to do something brave, but you’re scared, what do you do?” Cox answered I say, “God give me the strength to do this imperfectly and be of service.” We are called to be brave at least a hundred times each day. Some of these calls require big acts of bravery and others minor. Like now, sitting in my car answering these interview questions. For me this is a big act of bravery because, although I love it, writing and speaking take me to my most vulnerable place. I prayed Laverne Cox’s prayer even before I heard the words. Wellness comes with the abandonment of the pursuit of perfection.

How I keep it together to stay well
Keep it together? Hum, I have you fooled. My life is one gigantic, unpredictable, interesting, complex, exciting roller coaster.  I would not trade it for anything. I have learned to pay attention to my body, it tells me when I am out of balance. My body signals impending chaos in quick sharp prods. I used to ignore the signs, now I create peace. I have a beautiful apartment filled with artwork and wines that soothes me. I take long walks while listening to Brené Brown’s podcast (yes, it is an obsession) and books by authors who have become my spiritual guides. I sometimes just sit still and allow my body and mind to be healed by silence.
You can connect with Regine on Instagram @shallwewine , Facebook @ShallWeWine and Twitter @regineTRousseau and online at and

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Curly Haslam-Coates, Wine Educator and Founder, Vintage Tasmania (Tasmania Australia)   

Curly Haslam-Coates, Wine Educator and Founder, Vintage Tasmania (Tasmania Australia)  

Veronica Ruiz, North America Export Manager for the Fernandez Rivera Family, (Québec, Canada).   

Veronica Ruiz, North America Export Manager for the Fernandez Rivera Family, (Québec, Canada).