Devyani Isabel Gupta, Valdemar Estates

Devyani Isabel Gupta, Valdemar Estates

Title: Winemaker and Viticulturist

Location: Walla Walla, Washington, USA

Years in the Industry:
9 years in the industry. I began at first in sales, and made the switch to production and viticulture in 2016. I was fortunate to work early on with the SeVein partners, in both the vineyard and cellar to immerse myself in both sides of wine-growing.

My Top Three Challenges to Wellness:

  1. Making time for self-care during high-demand periods such as bottling and harvest. There are days where I feel like I am hustling from A to B (to C to D), and I convince myself “I don’t have time” for the extra details - I need to just “get it done”. In these busy periods where everything is urgent, when I try to prioritize my limited remaining time, I end up putting self-care low on the list, and forget to savor the moment. I just plow through the routine. Even something basic like a shower feels like another thing to “do”, instead of time to wash off the day (or juice!) and reset.

  2. Appreciating great wine is usually intertwined with appreciating great food – and while it’s an attractive aspect of the wine industry, it has its pitfalls. Whether you are hosting or attending events for your brand, there is a culture of over-consumption. In the moment, everything is so enticing and exciting, it is hard to keep a balance of want vs. need. When it is just one event here or there, this scale can still be in balance… but when these gatherings become almost weekly occurrences (or more), the scales tip, and that voracity of want can become a new state of need, and ultimately a habit and threat to your long-term wellness. As a winemaker, maintaining a healthy, balanced relationship with alcohol is important as I work to take care of my mind, body, and palate.

  3. Setting boundaries with work and social media to make time for being in the moment. I love my job, and I deeply care about our projects. As a result, it can be hard for me to turn off my phone, and ignore work emails, even on vacation. This is something I am working on, and a challenge to Wellness I am still trying to find balance with.

How I Keep It Together to Stay Well:
Schedule self-care: literally schedule a shower, walk, lunch prep etc in your calendar. Just as scheduling a meeting at work is a commitment, schedule a commitment to yourself (and ultimately those who need you to be your best self). With that – set manageable and attainable goals. I don’t have time for a 75 minute yoga class 3 days a week; however, I do have 20 minutes in the morning for yoga, and I can do that almost every day.

Feel the power of meal prep. Each Sunday, I pack enough lunches for 3 days, and it helps me start the week in a healthy, prepared state of mind, instead of leaning on DoorDash or scrambling to reheat a packaged frozen meal.

Use the “Buddy System”: Sometimes it is hard to commit to taking care of ourselves, and easier to commit to caring for someone else. I have found that by scheduling time to pack lunches for a friend in need, I end up packing lunches for myself as well. Make time for a walk because your dog needs a walk. Sign up for yoga classes with a friend.

What Inspires Me:
The great outdoors. There is nothing more grounding to me than being outside. Even just pulling up a chair and watching the weather roll over the Blue Mountains is awe-inspiring to me. I think this need for “grounding” is what drew me to viticulture – it is humbling. The forces of nature will keep moving, striving, thriving with or without you. It helps put your life into context.

A Quote I Love
“Kindness begins with the understanding that we all struggle.” – Charles Glassman

You can connect with Devyani on Instagram @Devyaniisabel Facebook and her website Valdemar Estates

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