All in Community

The Kindnesses We Show Each Other

This week I set out to notice the kindnesses that we show each other, here within the wine world. There is, it turns out, no shortage of them. That may be because the wine industry is a small and inter-connected place where, as Beck points out, six degrees of separation can become two pretty quickly. Kindnesses we show each other are one way to make that closeness more comfortable.

Connecting through Crisis:  Finding Community in Hard Times

We cannot fathom the adrenaline, stress and feelings of terror, or what it’s like to flee at a moment’s notice, not knowing what you may return to, or how to pick up the pieces. We cannot fathom how being without power, or the smell of smoke, can trigger anxiety and leave an impact well after the fires have been brought under control. But living in San Francisco, and having spent time this week between Napa, Sonoma and Southern California, the power of community in action is something I wanted to share.